Interview with Voyage LA Magazine


Today we’d like to introduce you to Mehrpouya Daneshvar.

Hi Mehrpouya, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I am a musician and performer from Iran, specializing in the clarinet, kamanche, and hand percussion. I was born into a family where art was held in high regard, even though my parents themselves were not musicians. However, my paternal relatives are all musicians, and I grew up in an environment where musical instruments were as familiar to me as toys. 

My musical journey began at the tender age of four with hand percussion. By the age of six, I had started learning the kamanche, a traditional Iranian fiddle instrument. My training was primarily in Iranian classical music, but my exposure was not limited to it. We often listened to music from Turkey, Spain, the Arab world, and Western classical music, all of which have inspired me greatly. 

From a young age, I was convinced that my destiny was to be a musician. 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Unfortunately, pursuing a career as a musician in my country presents significant challenges due to religious restrictions. Musicians often struggle to find opportunities to work. Additionally, accessing quality educational resources, materials, and instructors poses considerable difficulties. Beyond these challenges, my aspirations were not confined to mastering a single genre. I was eager to explore various musical styles and collaborate with musicians from different cultures, engaging in musical dialogues that transcend the barriers of our distinct verbal languages. Moreover, the journey of a musician inherently involves overcoming difficulties. To excel in music, one must endure the rigors of practice and be prepared to face moments of temporary disappointment with resilience. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
First and foremost, I am a performer and composer with a primary focus on world music. My work is deeply inspired by the music of my homeland, making me particularly proficient in Iranian classical music. This influence is evident in my compositions and improvisations, where I incorporate elements characteristic of this genre. Professionally, I am best recognized for my expertise as a clarinetist specializing in microtonal music. Iranian music, which fundamentally relies on quarter-tone notes, poses unique challenges when played on the clarinet. Despite this, I have successfully integrated this knowledge and advanced techniques into my playing. This allows me to push the boundaries of traditional clarinet capabilities, enhancing the instrument’s technique while drawing upon my experience in Iranian classical and folk music traditions. 

What do you think about happiness?
The things that bring me joy include traveling, reading books, walking, spending time with close friends, and continually meeting new people. I believe, at my core, I am a traveler. Ever since I was five years old, I have been on the move with my family, traveling extensively. This inherent love for exploration is what drew me to performance; I relish the opportunity to discover new places, connect with diverse individuals, share my music with them, and, importantly, learn from these interactions. These experiences not only enrich my personal life but also inspire my music, allowing me to integrate a wealth of influences into my compositions. Furthermore, I have a deep affection for walking. There’s something profoundly satisfying about it that I simply cannot get enough of. Walking, to me, is not just a physical activity but a source of inspiration and a way to connect with the world around me.